Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Favorite Photograph

This is one of my favorite photographs.  This is not one of my own (and I have not been able to find the artist).  It is from a series of long exposures in Maniwa and Okayama, Japan of fireflies.  I think that this is so beautiful and it gives this a magical feel, as if this forest was enchanted. I love how some fireflies are captured very up close to the camera and tiny specks of light can still be seen way back in the forest. The way time is captured here is really interesting, you can see each spot that the firefly glowed on its trails through the trees

1 comment:

  1. The photo is magical.
    I really wonder how it was done. I tried photographing fireflies in Italy last year and though they showed up as specs, I didn't get much other information. With a longer exposure, they didn't show up. I wonder if this is made using infrared film.
